u know what?!
the "KHK" always says "she"
look like my Jang Geun Suk?!
Everytime when i hear about this..
i will feel sooo HELPLESS !
u can imagine my face look like this > =v=
In addition, feli also says "she"
look like him..><
Now i am very sure..
feli's eyes really got problem !!
haha xD
You knw why i say like that..?
because sometime when we see a person
who is sooo "handsome"
(haha u all knw the meaning about the "handsome"de hor..)
but the feli says that person really handsome and cute!
I cant believe feli can say out the word——handsome?!
(that handsome not same mean with my "handsome".. = =)
that is the reason of why i say her eyes got problem..
haha =D
another DISGUSTING thing that happen to me is....
I step on the "gold" of cat !
("gold" = SHIT !)
My god !
it make my shoes sooo smelly..!
Ahhhhh... !
why im soo "lucky" at that day..
Zzzz... >v<
(im start to become mad person.. )
ok! just write until here.. ~!
88 ^^