homeworks to me when in the holidays !!!!
the teacher crazy d..
just got 1 week holidays of chinese new year only..
give many homeworks !!! >_<
too bad lah !
and i need to do BM folio in the holidays..
i think almost have more than 4 homeworks to do ..!
but my friend have 16 !
OMG ! *faint*
if me hv many homeworks like her..
i will become MAD first and
please send me to Tanjung Rambutan ~!!
haha xD
i don want write about that "bad thing"..
my dad tells us(bro and me) when 31-Jan
bring us go to buy new shirts ~!
Yahoooo~! haha xD
when i think about it,
i feel better than just now..
and feel so enthusiastic !!
of course i want say sorry to my friends because
i cant go out with them in 31 jan.. ><
lastly i want to say something to my dear friends..
me :"Happy Chinese New Year !!!"
and gt many angpow in this chinese new year ~~!
of coz this also is my wish ~! X)

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to my Jang Geun Suk too !!! ^V^

haha xD